Note on The Collection
This collection comprised more than five hundred ceramic pieces from the 8th - 14th century Iran (Samarkand, Nishapur, Ray, Kashan), Iraq and Syria More than one hundred pieces of silver vessels from the 7th–10th century, including post-Sassanid silverware and other niello engraved vessels; bronze vessels with silver inlay, large incense burners inscribed in Kufic script with the names of their makers as well as their owners; complete collections of calligraphy and exquisitely-worked Korans from the 11th–16th century; a unique and complete collection of illustrated books from the 12th–17th century; a collection of glassware from the 10th–18th century; a collection of silk fabrics from the 15th–17th century; wooden doors from the 12th–14th century; oil paintings from the 16th–18th century.